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Weld Master
Metal Welding operations often produce some toxic substances such as aldehydes, rosin acids, isocyanates, nitrogen oxides, sulfur compounds and hydrocarbons. Welding fumes, about 30%~80% are sub-micron particles, possibly be sucked into workers lung and affect their health. These respirable particulate through respiratory tract invade the human liver, lung, cardiovascular and blood leads to emergence of many diseases. Such as lung cancer, asthma, eczema, bronchitis, skin allergies, respiratory infections, central nervous system disorders, damage to the digestive system etc. Therefore harassing welding fume must be collected and treated before entering the worker’s breathing zone.
NP Smoke Eater Fresh Air Weldmaster Welding Fume Purifier is specially designed for industrial welding & Soldering fume. It is being widely used in industries like electronic wave soldering, metal processing (like Steel factory welding), laser cutting, Auto parts robotic welding etc.
Weld fumes are sucked in by in built fan through flexible suction extraction arm and drawn into Prefilter and electrostatic filter. After purification air comes out into the work environment.
It is very light and flexible with a two-meter-long movable flexible suction arm and can be moved to different locations on wheels with convenience. For odor control optional Activated Carbon filters are also provided.